Breaking News: Trotter's group is avoiding becoming snake food. | Lotharian commits manipulation. | Dicks out for Ivan.

Timeline of Events (in reverse chronological order):

2 Months Ago

The party first encounters the Crocodile Man during a fight with a wraith. Through his agent, a snake, the Crocodile Man states that he will help again and sees the potential for the party to heal this broken land.

2 Months Ago

The Sky Cloud Inn, a mystical floating inn providing all the comforts of pre-tear alcoholism, gives the party some rest and a job to rescue their scouts. The party eventually finds out the scouts have been fed to a man-eating tree by a group of scavengers that feed on the tree's dark fruit. One member of this group, a child named Steve, attempted to feed the party to the tree and showed no remorse. Steve was apprehended by the party and while they discussed how to move forward, the child was killed by Atropos. Francis, the owner of the Sky Cloud Inn, was grateful for the closure on his scouts and gave the party each a Violet's Delight.

2 Months Ago

Despite some carnies, owls, and one incredibly tall dwarf, the party successfully follows the shadowy figure through the Oakheart Forest.

2 Months Ago

The ragtag group meets in the outskirts of Bakerstown on their way to find a shadowy man and a book. They save the new leader, Mayor Ralph, and acquire a tiny member of the Army of Kadahn, General Rask.

More than 2 Months Ago

After life-changing dreams, four adventurers are destined to meet: Atropos and his bard companion Ivan, Deidre and her echo-twin Danby, Doctor Gilderoy Gatts, and the lone wolf Trotter.

10 Years Ago

As the humans and dwarves banded together against the elves in a war typical to those of mortal races, a dark magical tear opened up in the sky and brought ruin to the lands of Enisari.

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